Setting Goals in an Ever Changing World
Oh friends… It really feels like the ground beneath us is shifting constantly, making it hard to know where we stand or where we’re heading, doesn’t it?
If you’re feeling unsure, unsettled, or even overwhelmed by what’s ahead, I want you to know: you’re not alone. We’re all navigating this together.
Uncertainty can be uncomfortable, even frightening, but it also reminds us of what we’re made of. As Brené Brown says, “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change,” and at this current time, many of us feel vulnerable.
In this uncertain space, we always have the chance to be the designers of our lives, setting goals that reflect who we are and want to become. I’d like to invite you to approach this journey with us, in community, finding courage and strength in the steps we take together.
Goals as a Compass: Navigating Uncertainty with Purpose
I’d like you to consider how in times of change, our goals can act like a compass, guiding us not to a rigid destination but toward a sense of purpose, hope, and growth. The goals we set aren’t about controlling the outcome; they’re about learning, expanding, and becoming the person we desire to be.

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” We may not know exactly where life and circumstance is taking us, but each goal we set is a step towards building the world we want to live in. Goals create light in the unknown, helping us grow and stay connected to our dreams, even if the final picture shifts as we go.
When Life Feels Overwhelming, Start with Small Steps
When we release ourselves from the pressure to “achieve perfectly,” our goals become tools for self-discovery and joy rather than judgment. Let’s set goals that help us feel the way we want to feel from the inside out—like feeling more connected, more peaceful, or more inspired. It’s not about rigidly sticking to a plan but about staying flexible and open to what life brings. I’m reminding myself this as much as I’m preaching it: We need to be kind to ourselves as we learn, and to think of our goals as intentions, not rules. Our goals are here to support us to be our best selves, to help us learn and grow, and create a life that is in alignment with our values.
The Power of Intention: Goals as Tools for Self-Discovery
“Ok, Sierra, but how do I dream and set goals when I feel ________ ?” (Fill in the blank with whatever emotion or messaging is preventing you from being open to dreaming)
Start by reflecting on what truly matters to you. Think about where you find joy, peace, and meaning, and let that guide your intentions. Set small, “low-hanging fruit” goals that can shift as life changes. Whether it’s prioritizing self-care, deepening connections, or fostering resilience, each small step brings us closer to the lives we’re striving for. As you move forward, remember to reflect and check in with yourself—make adjustments, celebrate wins, and allow your goals to change with you. Each small step is a victory on the path of growth and living an authentic life.
Releasing the Pressure: Let Your Goals Be Your Guide

You don’t have to know exactly where you’re going to take a meaningful step forward. Trust that every small step, every recalibration, every pause for reflection adds value to your life. Showing up, even when it’s uncertain or imperfect, is the true essence of growth. In times like these, goal-setting isn’t about creating a checklist but about staying connected and committed to who we are, and who we’re becoming.
Join a Community of Growth: Let’s Do This Together
“The willingness to show up changes us. It makes us a little braver each time.” -Brené Brown
Remember, I’m here, forever championing your courage to live your best life, regardless of what stands in your way. You’ve got this. You are not alone. If you’re interested and would like to do this work in community, consider joining ClubMakse, where the team and I and 600+ other heart-centered humans have created a safe place to process, learn, explore and grow together.
Let’s keep going, one step at a time, embracing the beauty of growth, change, and all that lies ahead.
Be good to yourself and each other,
Sierra Friend
Founder, CEO
Life + Business Coach
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